how to gain weight for females

gain weight for females

Trying to lose weight is a difficult process for many, especially when the target is to lose more weight and there is not enough time in the day, plus the fact that if you haven’t exercised in a long time getting back into a routine can be tough. Going back to an intense work out can be difficult and hard on your body. The easiest thing you can do and the best place to start is to walk to lose that extra weight or you could use a treadmill for this exercise if you prefer.

Walking is a low intensity workout that will help your muscles gradually get back into an exercise routine.

Walking is the easiest and cheapest form of exercise, because we do it every day. Even couch potatoes have to walk at some point of the day, if it’s to the fridge or to get the mail, or even at the grocery store. Adding 30/45 minutes a day of walking can help you lose weight (females can aid a lot using this technique) and get in better shape – this is definitely not something that answers how to gain weight for females naturally. Taking 3000 steps a day or more is what is recommended to get you started. Purchasing a pedometer will help you reach this goal, and most are small enough to attach to you and no one will notice.

Start with a slow 30-minute walk 3 or 4 times a week and the best time is before you eat. If you start your morning off with a walk around the block will help wake up your body and give you some morning exercise that will make you feel better that a cup of coffee. Trying taking 10-minute walks around your office a couple times a day to get your muscles moving if you are sitting at a desk all day, this will also give you some energy to make it through those crash periods in between meals.

After a couple of weeks step up your weight loss by walking a little faster for 45-60 minutes a day. Start with a slow 10-minute walk and then step up the pace for 40 minutes and then your last 10 minutes slow the pace down again for your cool down. If you find that this is helping and you want to take it a little further add some light hand weights during your walk. Increase your exercise step by step. Next you can start with 2-3 pounds in each hand, if you can lift them up and down over your head over 100 times without to much strain this is a good weight to use. Men can try a 3-4-pound weight to start. As you are walking lift your hands and weights over your head and lower them, this will help your upper body gain some muscle and make you work a little harder. Walking to lose weight is one of the best ways to start getting in shape, it is easy to do and you can go anywhere, also it’s healthy for you. This is the natural thing that is very useful for you and also all people. It could help you burn your fat too.